Energize!BRAC: April Work Session Notes

Posted on: Jun 23, 2015


Thanks to the representatives from Hasbrouck Management, Shah Properties, MSC, Norcross Station, VAMA, the City of Charlottesville, and the UVA Office for Sustainability for joining us at our first Energize!BRAC focus group meeting! Below is a summary of the ideas shared at the meeting and some helpful resources.

Background: What is Energize!Charlottesville?

Energize!Charlottesville is a two year campaign to save energy as a community in an effort to win the $5,000,000 Georgetown University Energy Prize. Of the over 8,000 eligible communities, Charlottesville has advanced to the semifinals stage! We are now competing against 49 other communities across the USA.

Background: What is Energize!BRAC?

A collaboration of Blue Ridge Apartment Council members and community members who work together to support the Energize!Charlottesville campaign.

Ideas Shared:

  • Set all thermostats to Energy Star standards
  • Provide instructions for programmable thermostats
  • Hasmukh Shah introduced the idea of static clings, decals, or other visual prompts around apartments reminding residents to turn off lights, close their blinds, etc.
  • Create off-grounds version of Dorm Energy Race
  • Partner with LEAP for home energy checks
  • Place water flow restrictors on shower heads, faucets, etc.
  • Partner up to purchase things in bulk (i.e. light bulbs)
  • Provide LED light bulbs for residents – either for free or at a discounted price
  • Community parties to educate and engage students
  • Consider working with an “eco-rep” or sustainability ambassador
  • Put exterior lights on timers

Takeaways & next steps:

  • Spread the word about Energize!BRAC & Energize!Charlottesville! 
  • Create one action item and do it! Share experience at next meeting.
  • Share your story and your resources with our community and other Energize!BRAC participants.
  • Bring someone to the next meeting!
