Welcome back, UVA!

Posted on: Jan 12, 2015


We hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing winter break. Here are some helpful tips as you settle back into your apartments and ease into the spring semester:

Parking Permits

Are you returning from break with a vehicle that does not have a parking permit? If you don’t already have a car registered, please submit the Parking Permit Application and pick up your parking permit in the leasing office ASAP.

If you have registered a vehicle with us but swapped cars over break, you’ll need to return your old permit and provide us with your new vehicle information (year, make, model, color, and license plate) in order to receive your new permit. If you are unable to return your old permit there is a $25 replacement fee.

In our efforts to keep the limited parking at each property available for residents only, the lots will continue to be monitored and any vehicles without a parking permit may be towed. Please be sure to have the correct decal displayed on your vehicle in order to avoid this inconvenience.

Registering WiFi Enabled Devices

Did you get some new, fun tech toys over the holidays? All WiFi enabled devices (smart phones, tablets, etc.) can be registered by simply sending the following information to wifi@charlottesvilleisp.com:

1. First & last name
2. Address & apartment number (ex: 224 14th Street Apt. #6)
3. Email address
4. Cell phone number
5. Number of devices you would like to register

More information on Internet Access at Woodard Properties and OFM technical support can be found here.

Service Requests

As always, service requests can be submitted online, emailed to Maintenance@WoodardProperties.com, or by calling (434) 971-8860.

For emergency maintenance (such as no heat, no water, or a major water leak) outside of office hours, please call (434) 972-1048.

Energy Conservation

Make a New Year’s Resolution to reduce energy usage (and save some $$) by following these simple wintertime energy-saving tips for renters.

Have another tip for settling back in after winter break? We’d love to hear it! Share with us on twitter or facebook.