Our extraordinary leasing staff has excelled while being one person short for many, many months, but those days are over and we are happy to say that our leasing team is finally complete! The front desk that sat lonely and empty for so long is now happily occupied by Richard Coppage, our newest leasing consultant extraordinaire. Please join us in welcoming him to the Woodard team!
Let’s get to know our new friend.
Has a miniature pinscher named Ringo.
Was born in Richmond, and still has family there, but says that “C-ville is awesome.” (We concur.)
Attended JMU, received his Associate’s Degree from Blue Ridge Community College, and is currently working on a History major with a minor in Historic Preservation at Mary Baldwin.
Enjoys drawing, poetry, and drama, but generally only has time for work, his academic pursuits, and sleep.
Has been working since he was 14, and says this is his favorite job yet! (Okay, we added that last bit, but we are confident this will be his favorite job yet!)
Favorite song: “Can’t Hold Us,” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,
Favorite movie (for now): Pitch Perfect.
Favorite book: Ender’s Game.
Favorite color: Blue.
Favorite color combo: Classic gray, black, and white.
Says his mom is his hero. (Awww!)